In places to go, people to see, Emily Bisgaard presents habits of doing.
The high number of 233 works is tribute to our familiar cycle of “grind”. It is a representation of the life that we have become accustomed to, the ordinary, the mundane, and the beautiful. It questions why we push ourselves, whose expectations are we fulfilling? How does this constant push affect who we are?
Among the paintings, the artistic style of faceless figures and single brushstrokes provides a commonality of our experiences. The colors gear towards a playful naivety and optimism, as well as giving space for the more mysterious questioning of the work.
On a large scale it encapsulates the audience by its size and gives the viewer freedom to play imagine their own stories along the way.
Emily Bisgaard is a Danish artist, born in London and raised in Hong Kong. She is currently working and living in Amsterdam, NL. A former student at the University of the Arts London, Emily has now entered the MA Program at Artez Academy of Arts in Arnhem, NL. Besides her studies she also fills the role as Social Impact Manager for the charity She Matters.